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KCopyright 1992-1995 Microsoft Corp. All Rights Reserved. 1990-1991 Type Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.BHCPIG+WingdingsRegularBHCPIG+WingdingsBHCPIG+WingdingsVersion 2.55BHCPIG+WingdingsThe Windows logo is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.Microsoft TypographyKris Holmes and Charles BigelowThe Wingdings fonts were designed by Kris Holmes and Charles Bigelow in 1990 and 1991. The fonts were originally named Lucida Icons, Arrows, and Stars to complement the Lucida text font family by the same designers. Renamed, reorganized, and released in 1992 as Microsoft Wingdings(TM), the three fonts provide a harmoniously designed set of icons representing the common components of personal computer systems and the elements of graphical user interfaces. There are icons for PC, monitor, keyboard, mouse, trackball, hard drive, diskette, tape cassette, printer, fax, etc., as well as icons for file folders, documents, mail, mailboxes, windows, clipboard, and wastebasket. In addition, Wingdings includes icons with both traditional and computer significance, such as writing tools and hands, reading glasses, clipping scissors, bell, bomb, check boxes, as well as more traditional images such as weather signs, religious symbols, astrological signs, encircled numerals, a selection of ampersands and interrobangs, plus elegant flowers and flourishes. Pointing and indicating are frequent functions in graphical interfaces, so in adition to a wide selection of pointing hands, the Wingdings fonts also offer arrows in careful gradations of weight and different directions and styles. For variety and impact as bullets, asterisks, and ornaments, Windings also offers a varied set of geometric circles, squares, polygons, targets, and stars.http://www.microsoft.com/truetype/fonts/wingdings/http://www.microsoft.com/truetype/designers/bandh/normalStandardCopyright 1992-1995 Microsoft Corp. All Rights Reserved. 1990-1991 Type Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.BHCPIG+WingdingsRegularBHCPIG+WingdingsBHCPIG+WingdingsVersion 2.55BHCPIG+WingdingsThe Windows logo is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.Microsoft TypographyKris Holmes and Charles BigelowThe Wingdings fonts were designed by Kris Holmes and Charles Bigelow in 1990 and 1991. The fonts were originally named Lucida Icons, Arrows, and Stars to complement the Lucida text font family by the same designers. Renamed, reorganized, and released in 1992 as Microsoft Wingdings(TM), the three fonts provide a harmoniously designed set of icons representing the common components of personal computer systems and the elements of graphical user interfaces. There are icons for PC, monitor, keyboard, mouse, trackball, hard drive, diskette, tape cassette, printer, fax, etc., as well as icons for file folders, documents, mail, mailboxes, windows, clipboard, and wastebasket. In addition, Wingdings includes icons with both traditional and computer significance, such as writing tools and hands, reading glasses, clipping scissors, bell, bomb, check boxes, as well as more traditional images such as weather signs, religious symbols, astrological signs, encircled numerals, a selection of ampersands and interrobangs, plus elegant flowers and flourishes. Pointing and indicating are frequent functions in graphical interfaces, so in adition to a wide selection of pointing hands, the Wingdings fonts also offer arrows in careful gradations of weight and different directions and styles. For variety and impact as bullets, asterisks, and ornaments, Windings also offers a varied set of geometric circles, squares, polygons, targets, and stars.http://www.microsoft.com/truetype/fonts/wingdings/http://www.microsoft.com/truetype/designers/bandh/NormalNormaaliNormalNormaleStandaardNormalNormlneNormalNavadnoNormalNormal8d      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~spacepencilscissorsscissorscuttingreadingglassesbellbookcandletelephonesolidtelhandsetcirc envelopeback envelopefrontmailboxflagdwn mailboxflagupmailbxopnflgupmailbxopnflgdwnfolder folderopen filetalltext1 filetalltext filetalltext3 filecabinet hourglasskeyboard mouse2button ballpointpcharddiskfloppy3floppy5tapereel handwrite handwritelefthandvhandokthumbup thumbdown handptleft handptrighthandptup handptdwnhandhalt smileface neutralface frownfacebombskullcrossbonesflagpennantairplanesunshinedroplet snowflakexmarkbldcheckbld boxxmarkbld boxcheckbld crossoutline crossshadow crossceltic crossmaltese starofdavid crescentstaryinyangomwheelariestaurusgeminicancerleovirgolibrascorpio saggitarius capricornaquariuspisces ampersanditlc ampersanditquotedbllftbld quotedblrtbldrosette rosettesolid budleafne budleafnw budleafsw budleafsevineleafboldnevineleafboldnwvineleafboldswvineleafboldseclearescapecommandzerosansonesanstwosans threesansfoursansfivesanssixsans sevensans eightsansninesanstensans zerosansinv onesansinv twosansinv threesansinv foursansinv fivesansinv sixsansinv sevensansinv eightsansinv ninesansinv tensansinvcircle2circle4circle6ring2ring4ring6 ringbutton2targetcircleshadowupcircleshadowdwnsquare2square4square6box2box3box4 boxshadowup boxshadowdwnrhombus4rhombus6lozenge4lozenge6tristar2 crosstar2 pentastar2hexstar2 octastar2 dodecastar3 octastar4registersquareregistercirclecuspopen cuspopen1xrhombusquery circlestar starshadow oneoclock twooclock threeoclock fouroclock fiveoclock sixoclock sevenoclock eightoclock nineoclock tenoclock elevenoclock twelveoclock arrowdwnleft1 arrowdwnrt1 arrowupleft1 arrowuprt1 arrowleftup1 arrowrtup1 arrowleftdwn1 arrowrtdwn1 quiltsquare2quiltsquare2inv leafccwsw leafccwnw leafccwse leafccwneleafnwleafswleafneleafse deleteleft deleteright head2left head2righthead2up head2down circleleft circlerightcircleup circledown barb2left barb2rightbarb2up barb2downbarb2nwbarb2nebarb2swbarb2se barb4left barb4rightbarb4up barb4downbarb4nwbarb4nebarb4swbarb4sebleftbrightbupbdown bleftrightbupdownbnwbnebswbsebdash1bdash2 windowslogo@ FF@H 6H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 IH2 HH2 GH2 BH2 @H2 >H2 

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